Saturday, November 15, 2014

Yokai Watch

Yokai Watch is a very popular animation and game among Japanese children.
Even thought I have never seen it, I worked at after school care in Japan in this summer vacation, and I earned knowledge of it from children in the school care.
Yokai Watch can be considered as Pokemon for a new generation.
Yokai is the generic name for monsters, ogres, fairies or other fantastic creatures.
The concept of  animation is all bad happenings are coursed by Youkai.
For example,  I could not get up on time, and I was late for school, the reason why because Yokai. Because of Yokai, my mother get mad at me. etc

Since Yokai watch is very popular, it becomes one of social phenomenons in Japan.
Almost all children love it, so, Pokemon is almost phasing out by Yokai watch.
According to Wikipedia, Pokemon started in 1996. Pokemon boom was so long, so some professional got together, and they tried to make something that can subversive Pokemon.  
They made Yokai watch, and it successfully became popular.
But I do not think that Youkai watch will not be popular as long as Pokemon.


1 comment:

  1. I watch many Japanese animation, butI have never watch this before. It is look like interesting. If I have time i will watch it.
