Saturday, November 22, 2014

Kaiten sushi

Initially, sushi was preservation food, so people pickled fish. and they ate it with rice. Back to the Edo period, people started to eat raw fish with rice as sushi.
Nowadays, eating sushi at kaiten sushi(like kuru-kuru sushi) is poplar and major.  Recently, kaiten sushi is remarkably making rapid progress.
Used de kaiten sushi in Japan was the same as kuru-kuru sushi in Hawaii.
However, now we can order sushi from a touch panel screen!!


And the sushi that you ordered come to you by a rapid train.

Sicne sushi are going around, many people cares for hygienically.
so some sushi restaurants covered the sushi.
and put microtip under the dishes, and it measures the time.
After a specified time, the sushi will be trash.

I really love sushi.
I think it is very convenient, but also I regret it because there will be many waste of sushi.


  1. I like sushi too. It is convenient. If i do not know what should I eat, I always go to eat sushi. =)

  2. I like that they cover the sushi and put a timeline or shelf life on them. Looks yummy
