Friday, October 10, 2014

Japanese language variations

In Japanese, there are the two types of language variations.

First about regional difference, each Japanese area has its own different dialect. Some dialects are completely different from what we know as the standard Japanese.

Even though Japan is a small nation unlike English speaking countries, many Japanese people do not understand the dialect if they are from different prefectures.  Additionally, there existed gender variation since Japanese has begun to infiltrate to Japanese people.

In ancient time, they use different types of written words between men and women.

Currently, the difference between men and women are the change at suffix of the sentence.

There is another gender difference which is using variations of the first person such as men for “ Boku()” and  women for “ Watashi()

Meanwhile, linguistic variation within the individual in Japanese consists of three kinds of respectful language, which are honorific, humble, and polite.

They have to change the language depending on who they are talking to and to be aware of the surroundings.

Use of the honorific is for talking to people who are older than them, superior people, or to customers. The humble form is used to describe themselves to people who are older then you, superior people, or to customers.

Last, the polite language is the most familiar and the easiest to use and familiar with. Furthermore, there are some kinds of forms of address that change depending on person and what kind of relations you have.

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